
About Breech Boy

!BreechBoy! is an idea!
!BreechBoy! is an energy!
!BreechBoy! is a way of life!
!BreechBoys! and !BreechGirls! is the way of nonconformists beings!
Beings whom are still willing, and in touch with the core of our existence!
Beings whom still understand that energy cannot be controlled
Can not be arrested!
Can not be killed!
Beings those beings that are willing to live life free of governance!
Weather that be in the way of federal, state, local!
Monetary, social, physiological, physical, legislative or territorial control!
Beings willing to live life this way to contribute to positive free thought.
This has always and will always contribute to the positive footprint of mankind in our universe!
We were never born to be suppressed, to be owned, to be denied, to be controlled!
Positive creation, positive contribution, positive progression is our core.
!BreechBoys! and !BreechGirls! supports and continues the tradition of positive elevation!
This way of life, is Breech.
!BreechBoy! is not nothing new it is within all of us. !BreechBoy! is one of millions of beautiful souls that is willing to contribute and willing to connect with other beautiful souls whom engage and live life today.
BreechV1is musical expression of a nonconformists view. Music outside of the 4/4 musical world. All videos and imagery are visualized to reflect the beings outside of what the powers accept as the norm. !BreechBoy! supports all living outside, and encourages all that are wanting to be.

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